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commented 2024-05-30 12:19:41 -0700
Hi again,

I’m circling back regarding the guest article proposal I shared with you earlier. I’d still love the opportunity to write an article for your site, especially on the subject of providing advice for people with disabilities on how they can prepare their lives and their homes for parenthood.

Would you be open to publishing my article if I submit it to you? I’d love to move forward with this collaboration if it aligns with your editorial plans.

Thank you!

Ashley Taylor

P.S. If you’re interested in an article, but want one on a different topic, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Alternatively, just let me know if ever you don’t want to receive any further emails.
commented 2024-05-07 05:09:43 -0700

I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to ask if you’d be interested in publishing an article with tips for young entrepreneurs. It’s a great opportunity for them to learn about money management, develop their problem-solving skills, and unleash their creativity.

What do you think? Would you be open to publishing an article I write on this topic on your website?

All the best,

Daisy Jones

Check out my blog:

P.S. If you’re interested in an article but have a different topic preference, that’s no problem! Please send your idea over, and we can move forward from there.
commented 2024-03-04 06:27:12 -0800

My husband and I both have disabilities. We’ve always wanted children, and knew that because of our disabilities becoming parents (and parenthood) would require extra planning and prep.

Today, my husband and I have two amazing kids. During this journey, we’ve picked up a lot of great resources on planning and preparing for parenthood as parents with disabilities and we’ve learned some valuable lessons.

Can I write an article for your website with advice for people with disabilities on how they can prepare their lives and their homes for parenthood? I thought this might be a good way to show my gratitude to the universe for all the ways we’ve been blessed.

If you’re interested, please let me know.

Thank you!

Ashley Taylor

P.S. If you’re interested in an article, but want one on a different topic, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Alternatively, just let me know if ever you don’t want to receive any further emails.
commented 2024-02-19 04:00:08 -0800

If you’re a basketball enthusiast, you’ve likely marveled at NBA superstars executing incredible dunks and may have wondered about recreating that experience.

I’d love to explore the journey of learning to dunk in an article, highlighting its potential as a family activity. With adjustable basketball goals and kid-sized setups in local parks, it’s now easier for families to engage actively and spend quality time practicing skills inspired by basketball icons like LeBron James.

Would you be interested in featuring my article on your website?

Thank you!

Danielle Porter

– If, by any chance, you’d prefer an article on a different topic, please send over your suggestions. However, if you’d prefer not to receive emails from me, please let me know!
commented 2024-02-05 16:37:41 -0800

Paying for college can be a daunting task for a dedicated student who is determined to invest in his/her future. However, with sufficient hard work and financial prudence, this can be accomplished. I am interested in writing an article for your website that offers valuable advice to these students on how to simplify this challenging process.

The article will contain practical tips that can help students navigate the financial aspects of attending college with greater ease. If you are interested in this topic, I would be glad to provide the article for your website.

Thank you for considering my request,

Emily Graham of

~Interested in my guest post proposal, just not on the topic I mentioned? That’s not a problem! Kindly reply to let me know and we can come up with an alternative topic. Or, if you’re not interested in an article at all, I’d respect your wishes. Let me know, please.
commented 2023-12-28 14:22:19 -0800

Can I contribute an article to your website with some advice on surviving as a remote working parent with a baby or toddler? The piece that I have in mind will offer tips and advice for working parents who are unsure about placing their children in daycare or who are generally between sitters.

Let me know what your thoughts are. I’d appreciate a response from you.

Thank you for your consideration,

Kristin Louis

P.S. I appreciate your time, and by the way, if you prefer not to hear from me going forward, just reply and let me know. If you’re interested, however, let me know of any writing specifications that you may have. And if you don’t like the suggested topic, do reach out to me with a topic that works better for your website.
commented 2023-12-20 14:43:48 -0800
Hello again,

I’m still excited about the idea of crafting an article for your site, focusing on alternative after-school activities for parents who are struggling to find good options for their kids. Would you consider featuring it? I can send it your way promptly.

Many thanks!

Leslie Campos

Well parents raise well kids.

~If, by any chance, you’d prefer an article on a different topic, please send over your suggestions. However, if you’d prefer not to receive emails from me, please let me know!
commented 2023-11-29 18:19:50 -0800
Dear Senator Flores —

I just made a donation to thank you for your support in the last session of SB239 on medical aid in dying, as described in the Compassion and Choices annual report. You clearly have a lot on your plate, and as someone directly affected by this issue, I appreciate your willingness to fight for it.

Next time for sure!

commented 2023-11-02 10:28:04 -0700
Hello there,

Children can benefit significantly from after-school activities, but not all children are interested in the most common options, such as athletics or the arts.

For parents who are having trouble finding suitable activities for their kids or who are simply trying to broaden their children’s horizons by providing them with some non-traditional opportunities, I thought it would be interesting if I write an article on some alternative after-school activities.

Will an article on this topic be suitable for your site? I would be happy to be your guest blogger so please let me know if you’d like me to put together this piece for you.

Many thanks!

Leslie Campos

Well parents raise well kids.

~If, by any chance, you’d prefer an article on a different topic, please send over your suggestions. However, if you’d prefer not to receive emails from me, please let me know!
commented 2023-07-19 19:51:26 -0700

Have you seen this article ( about the teen who overdosed on caffeine? We have to admit we found it very alarming.

As mothers ourselves, we’ve spent a lot of time talking to our kids about alcohol and drugs, but never once have we thought about monitoring their caffeine intake.

With the popularity of coffee and energy drinks on the rise ( among teens, we wanted to spread the word about caffeine-related dangers to fellow parents.

Would you consider posting a toolkit from us on your website? It will offer tips and resources for helping teens make healthy choices.

Please let us know what you think.

Thank you!

Chloe Pearson and Kelly Coleman

Informed consumers make healthier choices.

P.S. If you don’t like the suggested topic, do reach out to us with a topic that works better for your website. Or, if you don’t want to hear from us again, please let us know.
commented 2023-05-04 18:43:05 -0700
Please, please, please get Senate Bill 114 passed. If college kids can transfer schools, so should high school kids. Many kids do not have control over where they move or live and certainly they should not be penalized. Talk about mental health issues as well, when sometimes all certain kids have are the sports they play. For some of them, it’s the only reason to go to school and maintain(at least for the sport season) passing grades. It’s also a known fact that other school(s) in the district recruit, we may as well try to even the playing field.
commented 2023-04-24 14:34:45 -0700
commented 2023-04-24 14:33:41 -0700
I understand that you are the key sponsor of SB 239, allowing the physician

assisted suicide, which is shocking. In places it has been tried, it always leads

to very bad results.

If you are a Christian, I am shocked. This bill is against God and all humanity.

This is a very shameful legislation. It should be withdrawn.

Roger McCosker
commented 2023-04-03 18:29:48 -0700
I am totally against state bill 262 proposal along with many of my work

associates here at SWG. this is a travesty of justice against all US and nevada

citizens. We have been paying taxes for generations and you want to

have a free for all called universal welfare.
commented 2023-02-01 11:40:52 -0800
Is there a bill number yet for medical aid in dying p,ease?
commented 2023-01-09 22:20:22 -0800
Wendy chinchilla
commented 2022-12-17 00:45:00 -0800
commented 2022-12-17 00:44:59 -0800
commented 2022-10-26 10:42:26 -0700
Hola Candidato a Senador Estatal Edgar Flores. He buscado su trabajo Legislativo de los pasados 8 años sin encontrar nada más allá de la ley que incrementa de delito menor a delito mayor acciones fraudulentas de Notarios en el 2017 en cuanto entro a su gestion la metió y se aprobó. La 161 de contrato de renta Notarizado y hasta ahi. ¿Hay alguna otra información relevante de su gestion como Legislador y ahora Candidato a Senador Estatal?

Muchas gracias por su amable atención. Saludos.
commented 2022-06-28 08:32:58 -0700
Chester A. Ruiz

(650) 771.4831

Email. [email protected]
commented 2021-12-16 16:31:36 -0800
Congratulations on your decision to run for the NV State Senate! I hope you win. You are a great advocate for education and for Nevadans. I implore you to focus some of your attention on the misappropriation of taxpayer funds by the attorneys at UNLV and the NSHE. They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on internal and external attorneys to silence faculty, staff and students who report financial corruption to the UNLV Vice President and Provost Chris Heavey. Please please to investigate if you are elected as a Senator.
commented 2021-11-04 14:26:23 -0700
commented 2021-09-02 12:19:44 -0700
School Parent Participation (flexibility) events:

Picture day (siblings group pictures)

Open House (what is happening? Plans to catch-up from distance learning?

Parent teacher conferences…Who are my grandkids teachers?

Some of my grandkids did well …some did poorly under distance learning.

Some out door discrepancy events: award ceremonies, family events, etc.

(You’re the educational committee chair…I’ve also contacted my legislators too. Respectfully yours
commented 2021-07-30 11:43:43 -0700
Co warto znać na problem próbowania RTG Szczecin?

Wewnątrz posługą rozważania RTG zęba szczecin praktyczne jest ocenienie jego nastroju pod jakimś rogiem, pospołu spośród korzeniami także spodnią architektoniką. Pokazywane są jakiekolwiek tkanki rozciągliwe buźce również podniebienia, klarownie ujawnień posłania przejęte szczeblem palnym jednakowoż zaatakowane poprzez niekorzystne mikroorganizmy. Głównie jasna stanowi tomografia, dzięki jakiej władcza jasno pomyśleć nastrój uzębienia, znalezień choćby najmłodsze atypii w otchłani słownej. Pro odsieczą RTG cefalometrycznego ocenia się nastrój zębów, przegubów żuchwowo-skroniowych, zatok, knag twarzoczaszki dodatkowo bolączek kłopotu. Doświadczenie pantomograficzne zezwala na zlokalizowanie zębów potrzebujących momentalnego usuwania, wyrażenie złamania kosteczek, torbieli, nieprawidłowych zębów, chorób oraz guzów. Przed przystąpieniem kurowania kanałowego i w bezładzie łagodzenia protetycznego spełnia się RTG punktowe zębów sierści.

Salka RTG Sierści kaucją zbiorczej oferty

Wprawna salka RTG szczecin liczy do zaoferowania drogą plus rozdzieloną kolekcję, natomiast łaski wskazywane są przez oblatanych a wykwalifikowanych specjalistów. Powierzone poprzez weterynarza przeszukiwania egzekwuje się przy wykorzystaniu modernistycznych ekwipunków, dzięki czemu wolno wynosić na prawidłowość zaś precyzja. Zęby wnioskowane są skrupulatnej degustacji, dyskursywnej inteligencji pod każdorazowym kątem. W ewenemencie sanowania stomatologicznego także ortodontycznego o zdziałać pantomografię, iżby zweryfikować nastrój enigmatyczny głębi wokalnej, wyłowić nienormalne wariacji przedtem we niedojrzałym stadium.

Nieszablonowym poszukiwaniem egzystuje tomografia 3D, która daje się dużą precyzyjnością natomiast lilipucią inwazyjnością. Za jego gosposią znośne hamuje się trafne zakwalifikowanie zbioru zaawansowania pojedynczych mutacji w kraju otchłanie wokalnej, co waży drogą usługę przy opiniowaniu i studium ożywionej drogi uleczania. W sali RTG szczecin służy się sporadycznie wewnątrzustne owładnięcia punktowe, dzięki którym ważna przyjrzeć się jednorazowym zębom, zrecenzować pod rogiem butwiny, sprawnego usadowienia dodatkowo fasonu. Te lekkie testowania są substancją przed rozpoczęciem do ekstrakcji zęba jednakowoż gojenia kanałowego. Przysporzą się ponad zaawansowane, trójprzestrzenne RTG, iżby wyprodukować stale ściślejszy niesprawiedliwości doszczętnych budowli w aspekcie rudery oralnej. Egzystuje więc zajebiście uważne poszukiwanie, użyteczne poniekąd w implantologii. Skorzystanie najświeższego ekwipunku diagnostycznego uznaje na uprawianie doświadczonych zestawień zaś skanów, z wzięciem najdelikatniejszych segmentów dodatkowo gwarancją zaufania dla chorego.

<a href=“”" rel="nofollow">">RTG Szczecin
commented 2021-07-30 01:30:01 -0700
call me whatsapp:
commented 2021-07-21 12:27:33 -0700
Hello Mr. Flores,

My name is Aaron Bautista and I’ve spoken to you on Twitter previously, and tried to email you a few times, but I’m not sure if you received them. I also met you briefly once. I’ve voted for you in the past, multiple times actually, and I plan on voting for you again. I’ve seen what you have done for the Eastside and completely support it. What you’ve helped get done this last legislative session was awesome. As a special education teacher at Mater Academy on the Eastside, I liked what you did for education, as well as the other bills you wrote and sponsored.

Now the reason I’m emailing you is not only because I support you, but also because I believe we need to keep as many seats in the Nevada State Legislature blue in 2022, and we need progressive minded people in them. I believe I’d be a great fit to run for one of those seats. Previously, I ran for Las Vegas City Council in 2019 and believe I can represent the Eastside very well. I am the son of immigrant parents who were part of the Culinary Union, I’ve lived in this district my whole life, went to school here, had all my first jobs here, and now I’m an educator here in the district. I also did homeless outreach in the area with HELP of Southern Nevada, where I got to work with the homeless population and strategize on how to house them. In addition, I am a member of Clark County Dems and part of their Policy and Platform Committee.

So my question to you is, what are your plans for 2022? The reason I ask is because the State Senate District 2 seat currently occupied by Mo Denis will be vacant as he will be termed out. I spoke to others in the party, and would have support, but a question that kept coming up was, “Have you talked to Edgar Flores yet to see if he plans to move up to the State Senate?” and that is my question as well. If you are planning on moving up to the Senate, then I’d like to run for State Assembly District 28, and if you weren’t going to go for State Senate District 2, then I’d try for that spot. I’d like to start building a website, putting materials together, and building a team soon so I really hope to hear back from you, and really, I’d also like to learn from you if possible, as you have been a great example for our community. Thank you for your time.

Kind Regards,

Aaron Bautista
commented 2020-11-05 12:27:34 -0800
Hi Edgar,

I work for Cyber Triage. We received a message from you in Sept., and I tried following up, but I’m not sure you received my emails. Upon a google search I found this website and I thought I’d give it a try.

Let me know if you’re still interested in Cyber Triage. If so, please email me: [email protected]

commented 2020-07-15 22:06:38 -0700
So I tried to join the meeting for the assembly meeting it let me in for a second and then it said that I was removed by the host. I tried to rejoin but now it won’t let me. I feel like this is almost any violations open meaning of why can’t I join this meeting. I was removed without even speaking.
commented 2020-04-15 14:58:42 -0700
Estoy en cuarentena recuperandome del Covit-19. Quiero saber de los programas de ayuda para renta, comida etc.
commented 2019-04-27 12:18:56 -0700
I support the education funding formula. Nevada ranks very low for education funding in the nation. Please increase funding for education and modernize the formula to reflect the current needs of CCSD.
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Paid for by Edgar Flores

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